Novel Project
I get a lot of questions about the novel I'm writing, so here is a brief overview.
An even briefer overview is that it's a fantasy fiction story with, generally, a early medieval
setting that draws on my undergraduate and graduate studies in the history, culture, folklore,
and languages of early northern Europe. No, it's not done yet ;) and there are no excerpts available.
Carl's PhD Dissertation
A Ph.D. dissertation makes a terrible book, and this would need a lot of work were it going to
be published as one. And while it would have made a better dissertation if I had either focused it
more narrowly or had enough space to talk about everything I wanted to :) it's got a lot of good ideas
and good work in it. Maybe someday I'll at least pull some articles out of it, but meanwhile people might
as well get some use out of it as it stands.
Vocabularium Cornicum
As a small project in "open source academic research", I'm (very!) slowly putting up an electronic version of the Vocabularium Cornicum, a short list of Latin words with their Old Cornish equivalents. It is thought to have been written c. AD 1100 as an aid for ecclesiastic speakers of Old Cornish in reading, writing, or speaking Latin. It contains only a few hundred words, but these represent the bulk of the surviving Old Cornish corpus).
CWIL: Cambridge Writers of Imaginative Literature
CWIL is an organisation of aspiring "genre fiction" (science fiction, fantasy, horror, historical, and all that jazz) writers living in or near Cambridge, UK. There are currently about a dozen of us, and we meet fortnightly in the Starbuck's Cafe in the Borders bookshop in Cambridge city centre to critique each other's work and share information.