The audio file (which is available under a Creative Commons License) uses the sample spaceship.aif ( by fonogeno (; at the time of writing, this sample is available under a Creative Commons License.
The audio file (which is available under a Creative Commons License) uses the samples crows.flac ( by aesqe ( and Wind_Howling_Nighttime.aif ( by Dynamicell (; at the time of writing, these samples are available under a Creative Commons License.
The audio file is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.
This is a cover of a song originally credited to Robert Calvert & Dave Brock, recorded by the band Hawkwind. The publisher is (I believe) Anglo-Rock, Inc. My recording is not now and never has been for sale. I just had fun recording it, and I hope you'll have fun listening to it. If anyone official asks me to take it down, I will; but in the meantime, if you like my recording, you should go buy all the various official Hawkwind versions. There: I can't say fairer than that about a cover!
This isn't really licensing info, but just so you know: Many of the percussion parts in songs on this page were programmed in the excellent Doggiebox using samples from either ns_kit7 (free) or (more recently) ns_kit7 (full). All cool stuff!