Carl's Ph.D. dissertation Formation and Resolution of Ideological Contrast in the Early History of Scandinavia was submitted and approved for the Department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse & Celtic (Faculty of English) at the University of Cambridge in 1999. He is increasingly uncertain about its value as time goes on, but it has since been referenced in the new edition of Friedrich Klaeber, R.D. Fulk, Robert E. Bjork, & John D. Niles, eds., Klaeber's Beowulf and the Fight at Finnsburg: Edited, with Introduction, Commentary, Appendices, Glossary, and Bibliography, 4th edn (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2008), as well as John D Niles & Marijane Osborn, eds, Beowulf and Lejre (Tempe: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2007) among other places. :) Update April 2012: The original version of this dissertation was prepared in 1999 using a non-Unicode compliant font. To faciliate automated searching, as of April 2012 a new electronic version has been prepared and made Unicode-compliant throughout; this Unicode-compliant version is the one currently available from this Web page (although many copies of the non-Unicode compliant version will probably continue floating around the Internet forever). As an aid to the user, pagination and content remains consistent with the original printed copy archived in Cambridge University Library. (Pagination of earlier, non-Unicode compliant electronic versions was also consistent with the original printed copy archived in Cambridge University Library.) More information and resources related to Carl's acadmic work are available from his profile pages, linked via the logos below: |